Saturday, January 30, 2010

More science facts

Here is more science facts. Bear with me. I have a test and I want to see how much of this stuff I'm obsorbing. So i told you about bathymetry and the four ways to measure and I told you about the three proviences of the ocean and their features. Now let me tell you how rift valleys are formed and the three ways to study the earth's interior.

Rift valleys are formed by a process called faulting, where the solid rocks breaks apart.

The three ways the earth's interior is studied: the first way is that the earth's interior is studied by the indirect observation of the path and speed of earthquake waves. The second way the earth is stuided is noting the variations of the gravational and magnetic field. And the third way is noting how much heat escapes from the earth's interior.

Also, the word Viscosoty means that the temperature changes with the pressure. The higher the pressure the higher the tempature. So if the pressure is high then an boject that would normally melt would stay hard and solid. The litosphere is the upper most crust, and it is hard and brittle. Then there is the athsosphere and it is soft and then there is the mesosphere. There are two crusts. Oceanic and contential. Contiental crust is made of granite and ocanic crust is made of basalt.

That is all for now. Off to study MORE.

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